Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Here is a list of various commands used in C language programming:

Used to add any comment in a program, it does not participate in programming sequence.
  Syntax: /* add your comment */
2. For
This command is used to create for loops where we can add the number of times a process should keep on running in a loop according to our need.
 Syntax: for( initialization ; test; increment)
3. Include
It’s a preprocessor directive which is mandatory to load required directories into the program and it is included on top of a program.
 Syntax: # include <file.h>
4. main
Main function tells when to initiate the main body of a program. All the main processes come under this command.
 Syntax: int

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
5. Printf
This command is used to show output anything or display any result.
 Syntax: printf( format string, variable list);
6. scanf
Scanf is used to input any data from user of input any result from any other part of program.
 Syntax: scanf( format string, list of &variables);
7. int
This command is used to initialize that output or input will be in the form of integer.
 Syntax: int   variable list and initial values;
8. float
This command is used to initialize that output or input will be in the form of integer or decimal.
 Syntax: float   variable list and initial values;
9. double
This command is used to initialize that output or input will be in the form of integer or decimal of large value.
 Syntax: double   variable list and initial values;
10. char
This command is used to initialize that output or input will be in the form of characters which includes alphabets and numbers.

 Syntax: char   variable list and initial values;

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